There are many opportunities to practice mindfulness throughout the day. Our every action, every thought we think may be of practical attention. To be more precise, here is a list of meditation and attention that it really works:
1. Speaking on the phone, make sure that words create mutual understanding and friendship.
2. When I wake in the morning, bring awareness of the legs contact the floor and walk to the bathroom.
3. Concentrate fully on each task you do during the day, either at work or at home. Keep track of the task and not think about the next thing you do when you're done.
4. Drink a glass of water and pay attention to how the water tastes and feels in your mouth. Pay attention to water temperature.
5. Go to the media soon. Do not watch TV or movies in a day and learn to pass the time when you're not involved with the media.
6. ten minutes of stretching or yoga in the morning and see how your body feels as a result of this movement.
7. When you meditate, sitting like a tree with a broad base that extends into the earth, and a trunk with his arms skyward.
8. When you want to buy something, ask yourself: "Do I really need this?"
9. Take ten minutes to write a list of ways you can simplify your life and find time to just "be" instead of "doing" all the time.
10. When someone talks about you, listen to a calm and concentrated mind.
11. Listen carefully, without thinking about how to face -.. just pay attention to what they say
12. Eat a meal in silence, listening to what you eat and how food makes you feel your body .. Consider a
13. when he felt ashamed and acknowledge the difficulty is the result of his ego.
14. Keep a diary of care - write every day - a list of ways in which they were aware.
15. Let things take their natural course, instead of trying to control things.
16. warning times when you feel irritable or fear and be aware of situations in which these feelings arise.
17. Take a few minutes between tasks and close your eyes and breathe.
18. Do any of these meditations for each day or week. The more we meditate, we become more conscious and consciousness becomes more natural, until we know more of the time. Try this meditation for Care - that really work.