Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Make It Fun Teachers

While the attention of the trainer, I am a big fan of promoting greater attention in class. However, it is interesting to me that what appear to be more thoughtful and passionate supporters of attention to education, they are likely to remain limited in their thinking. Now do not get me wrong. I thank those who introduce the silence, silence and contemplation among students. I thank those that explain the concept of awareness and to solicit input to consider the miracle of watching the mind in operation. Juhlin teachers who use "vigilance" as a word in their everyday teaching. But why stop there? In the name of the recess, field trips, and all children have a school holy, we can not make fun of attention?

Using bells beckoning and children close their eyes to reflect, we stick to the style of meditation that has been proven. Need? children can be settled peacefully in their seats at the sound of a trumpet? Did they benefit from an approach to open the eyes of the attention that allows them to be active? Can they develop an awareness and concentration during playback - with words, music, numbers, colors, shapes, textures and smells? We learn best when we are enjoying the process. teaching children to meditate? Great. But we are unnecessarily limiting the possibilities of greater awareness by preaching - er, education - that meditation is the only way to care.

Kids - like the rest of us - I want shortcuts. They love the games. They remember the things that make you laugh. They pay attention to the processes through which they can be creative in their natural self. Children see both connections and are very resourceful when it comes to playing with the most mundane objects and concepts. So, let them play. Something tells me you want to approach it differently if it is for them. We encourage teachers to integrate the teaching practice of attention, but I urge them to release the commitment that must mean it. Easy.

Awareness is about noticing new things, drawing distinctions, and the prospects of moving to stay fully present. It 's the heart of the fun. The truth is that it is impossible to have fun if you are not fully present. So it seems to me that children have a natural tendency to be aware of. With a little 'guidance, a lot of humor, and a burst of creativity, good teachers can become a major focus of trainers. As long as you have fun.

Ways For Increase Your Success

previous article, I introduced training largely unknown, but a very valuable network of marketing education and training. This follow-up article describes four ways that network marketers can improve their success in the development and application of this natural resource inside. Mindfulness can be defined very simply as "aware, moment by moment, whatever you do, without judging." This apparently simple definition does not convey enough, however, as can be, on the one hand, and its enormous power potential of others. Mindfulness is a natural and fundamental human capacity, as well as speech or musical expression. Even though people have turned to the infinite number of ways and to varying degrees throughout history, the cultivation of strict education was introduced by the Buddha some 2500 years ago, a fundamental means of promoting spiritual development.

Since then it has grown well and tried hard to hundreds of millions of people dedicated to spiritual development - most commonly in the context of formal meditation. It 'very stressed in many martial arts. While the focus is very important in any activity that requires a high level of continuous performance qualified as professional athletes or musicians, it is rarely taught as a separate discipline in these areas. Recently, however, was an exception to this general rule: in 1990, Phil Jackson introduced the members of the Chicago Bulls basketball team the attention of formal coaching training six NBA championships. The last 25 years, the practical application of education increased attention.

During the reduction of stress based on conscience, for example, growth, mindfulness practice and proved to be an effective therapeutic intervention for people with chronic pain, depression, anxiety disorders personality. Typically, at least four advantages attention and very important: 1) It increases the satisfaction gained from the experience that is intrinsically enjoyable. For example, some of the chocolate consumed much less addedsuccessfully bring joy far more than if it is consumed without thinking - it is less conscious awareness of sensory experience rich implications. 2) It increases the capacity of a deal with any experience is intrinsically painful or uncomfortable. For example, people with chronic pain when the teacher is related to pain decreases addedsuccessfully, it falls, or - at least, it becomes much easier to live with.

3) Improve the performance of other skills. So, for example, a musician of great talent can make the most effective, is aware, the same image that is highly-skilled skater, a marathon runner, transport pilot, mountain climber, etc. In other words, better and more consistently present, we the initiation of new activities, the less likely it is that we make mistakes. 4) It provides a method for excellence, overcoming negative mental and behavioral methods of all kinds. By definition, any measure, we are aware, we are not "being automatic" and therefore less likely to adopt bad habits of all kinds. So, in this context, here are four different ways, that network marketing can apply this important meta-ability to improve their level of success a lot.

1. Relationship more skillfully and effectively to other people, which is extremely important in this field. Other factors the same, more consciously present, we are also interacting with others, the greater the level of relationship that is likely to evolve with them. This is a prerequisite for winning their trust, increase receptivity to what we have to offer them.

2) to cope with many challenges and setbacks, which are peculiar to this area.By moving deliberately with full awareness of unpleasant tasks - such as calling a large number of customer issues - is incredibly easy. When executing such a task reduces addedsuccessfully, it becomes what might be called an exercise in "non-doing", that is, staying aware addedsuccessfully reduced time to time to PROCESS each call - instead to focus on its desired result is "cold calling" just another way to practice fully in the moment. You might be surprised how effort "cold call" can be when you are trained in "non-doing" them.

3) By providing specific resources for effective implementation famous phrase from Winston Churchill:
"Never, never, never give up!" One of the most important determinants of success in network marketing - especially in the early stages of a company - is a very high level of commitment and support perseverance - the ability and willingness to move forward through the disappointment and frustration endlessly until finally the success of care is absolutely invaluable in this respect, it provides no specific means .. You only live one day at a time, but actually live "a breath at a time. "Because they learn" to be aware at all times of what you feel, without judging, is less likely to get caught in endless rumination on how automatic it is terrible. Whatever the disadvantage that you have a tendency to be much easier. It is in this context that attention has often been described as "sustainable long."

4) On the other hand, this money, the attention is equally important to maintain a very positive attitude, which is widely recognized in the field of network marketing is so important to its success. In summary, therefore, consciousness is a subtle but very powerful, special abilities, very fine-grained method of cultivating a number of desirable characteristics, which are all key factors for success in network marketing. Two of the best resources for more information of concern were:

1) Full catastrophe Livingstone Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, and

2) Mindfulness in plain English is Bhante Gunaratana.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Poetry: Awareness is Delicious Word

Everyone is a poet. Of course, everyone is critical, too! This means that there are many opportunities to increase our awareness of words and how we use it. Words create images, like a painter uses a combination of colors and lines to express a concept, we propose an artistic interpretation of thought through carefully chosen words. Our linguistic intelligence is what allows us to recognize and generate strong word vignettes. If you like novels, biographies, mysteries, sonnets, haiku, song lyrics, conversations, monologues or newspaper articles, can develop a greater awareness by focusing on descriptive word sentences. In our everyday language, we tend to speak in sentences and punctuate these expressions, pauses, gestures, or laughter. Although the words themselves have meaning, the image we create is a combination of inflection, context, juxtaposition, and even eye contact.

Do not think of having your own personal style of poetry? Think again. You can use the words in their own way, and it is likely that the task of expressing a particular concept, your version would be recognizable elements. Try this test: to describe a birthday cake. It 's very possible that use words to identify the shape, taste, color, decoration, ingredients, size and presentation of a cake, and that the precise way you do it would be unique compared to other descriptions. Moreover, it is likely to come up with a different description, if required to do so a month. You can easy and fun way to raise awareness of the word

1) select a word cue triggers awareness, or

2) focuses on phrases used in the settings. Better yet, try both! Using a special word of caution is activated, you can see how other creative presentations of the same poetic element.

Ready for food secret word conscience? Here it is: the song. Listening to a specific word to develop your ability to make distinctions in how to use and let you see the subtle variations. T "piece" refers to something creamy or sweet? Is it salty or sweet? To play with poetry and attention at the same time, the judgments notice used to describe food. Listen to them with an ear for rhythm, and the image lines of a poem. Read the descriptions on the menu, food and kitchen items and be aware of the adjectives most likely that you will make your mouth water. Sensual words like "succulent" and "Divine" to obtain physiological responses. Pay attention to people and hear the words you heard about the creation of experiences that feel particularly intense. Link images with tasteful word helps us anchor our linguistic intelligence intelligence with our bodies, which makes the mouth very happy. Delicious words, poetry Delicious. Mmmm - pure taste sensation.

Your Secret From Gum

My grandmother, a feisty woman and athletic in his younger years was a rubber-Chew. She was never without a bag or two of Wrigley's Doublemint gum. It was not a snapper or bubble warning - she considered as very civilized. Grandma kept her mouth shut, thank you, and his silence to chew. She insisted that it helped her concentrate. It turns out she was right. Research has shown that chewing increases our ability to concentrate and remember what we learned. In fact, studies show that children and adults mental tasks completed up to 20% more efficient when we chew gum. Here's why: when we chew - whether it is food, gum or just air - we respond by salivating, which releases a surge of insulin. Our body is preparing for a meal. Insulin causes increased heart rate and sends glucose and oxygen to the brain.

The result? This explosion of brain food helps us learn faster and retain information longer. If we all want to promote learning, I'm all for it! Personally, I would suggest that we need to chewing gum as the use of attention. Really. Maybe instead of "Om" we should be chanting "Grom-Grom-Grom."

Why not? We already know that attention can be very effective practiced several times during training. It 'hard to find a more repetitive and less demanding task of chewing gum! Try this: Sit comfortably in any position that allows you to breathe in a relaxed belly. Pop a rubber in your mouth and start chewing. Pay attention to appearance and flavor accompanied by saliva.

Knowing the structure of the rubber, as it softens and stretches. Concentrate on chewing gum on one side of your mouth ten times, and then move to the side. Continue to chew slowly, when the self-count to ten before switching sides again.

Keep it for about two minutes while concentrating on the chewing motion. Simple? Sure. The attention is very simple. And it can be easy to concentrate for short periods, especially if you have physical activity as the center of our attention.

Many people find care much easier and more effective experience than simply sit and watch the thoughts. No need to pay attention difficult, uncomfortable or woo-woo. If the gum is good for your brain to enjoy it as an easy way to practice mindfulness. In a bus? At your desk? Take a break of two minutes to chew gum. Nobody has to know what you do. It will be your little secret mint. Hello? Well, maybe not. Here's to salivation!

Losing the Label For Branding Mindfulness

I'm putting in some interesting emails about what we call "carefully" - the use of consciousness as a means to unite and help others. I am pleasantly "steal" its "social commitment in Buddhism" - which is essentially the same thing, but the Buddhist ceremony, and some Buddhist terms of engagement.

I like the idea of taking what we learn about ourselves, our response and our world and then get out there to visit more meaningful and more purpose and determination.

But no attention is brand? pack their own will, without a Buddhist? I think so. I do not think that the label carefully NEEDS. Maybe not quite what pure consciousness? We do not need to connect it with anything? And is not it ironic that seems to be related to Buddhism, which is its basic principle the idea that attachment leads to suffering?

Sure, it makes no difference whether you call it "engaged in supervision 'or something else. Since the intentional? Do good deeds? Digging? Give back? Paying forward? You Workin'? When it comes simply to learn more about yourself and others offer the best, the language does not matter. Use what suits you.

themselves as Buddhists do not own the trademark on "mindfulness" or "compassion", Christians have not granted exclusive rights to "service" or "charity." And the association of Islam with "fanaticism" is an unfortunate association of religion with one of the most fundamental features - intolerance.

Muslims do not own intolerance - is worldwide. Read your local paper or just attend a major sporting event to see how we can upset every time we have an us-versus-them mentality. We all have the capacity for extremism and we must take responsibility for our own intolerance.





In a culture of brand awareness as ours, it is curious how often we label our most basic qualities and coincident with religions, political parties, or even the possession without thinking. Here's an idea: go generic. Want to have compassion? Very good!

Do - and not waste time shopping t-shirt to bring more compassion. Would you be careful? Cool! Do it - without seeking a guru, withdrawal, or a particular brand-name recognition. Sense of intolerance? You're human. View and find a way to dissolve.

Listen, whether Buddhist or Christian or Muslim (or other) to label helps to be better in a way that feels authentic to you, that's fine. But if you've been shopping and can not find the right brand of goodness of basic human rights to consider going generic. Be aware, compassionate and generous. Period. And to share his own brand of it with the world.