Everyone is a poet. Of course, everyone is critical, too! This means that there are many opportunities to increase our awareness of words and how we use it. Words create images, like a painter uses a combination of colors and lines to express a concept, we propose an artistic interpretation of thought through carefully chosen words. Our linguistic intelligence is what allows us to recognize and generate strong word vignettes. If you like novels, biographies, mysteries, sonnets, haiku, song lyrics, conversations, monologues or newspaper articles, can develop a greater awareness by focusing on descriptive word sentences. In our everyday language, we tend to speak in sentences and punctuate these expressions, pauses, gestures, or laughter. Although the words themselves have meaning, the image we create is a combination of inflection, context, juxtaposition, and even eye contact.
Do not think of having your own personal style of poetry? Think again. You can use the words in their own way, and it is likely that the task of expressing a particular concept, your version would be recognizable elements. Try this test: to describe a birthday cake. It 's very possible that use words to identify the shape, taste, color, decoration, ingredients, size and presentation of a cake, and that the precise way you do it would be unique compared to other descriptions. Moreover, it is likely to come up with a different description, if required to do so a month. You can easy and fun way to raise awareness of the word
1) select a word cue triggers awareness, or
2) focuses on phrases used in the settings. Better yet, try both! Using a special word of caution is activated, you can see how other creative presentations of the same poetic element.
Ready for food secret word conscience? Here it is: the song. Listening to a specific word to develop your ability to make distinctions in how to use and let you see the subtle variations. T "piece" refers to something creamy or sweet? Is it salty or sweet? To play with poetry and attention at the same time, the judgments notice used to describe food. Listen to them with an ear for rhythm, and the image lines of a poem. Read the descriptions on the menu, food and kitchen items and be aware of the adjectives most likely that you will make your mouth water. Sensual words like "succulent" and "Divine" to obtain physiological responses. Pay attention to people and hear the words you heard about the creation of experiences that feel particularly intense. Link images with tasteful word helps us anchor our linguistic intelligence intelligence with our bodies, which makes the mouth very happy. Delicious words, poetry Delicious. Mmmm - pure taste sensation.