Saturday, March 26, 2011

Guided Mindfulness With Meditation

To start this guided meditation, stand and give your body, aware of the balance on his two feet. We stand and walk for granted because we do these activities as often - now take this opportunity to raise awareness and know what is standing. Observe how you feel about the balance as a way to stay upright.

Please note that your posture, head up, move the shoulders back and down and see how your head is balanced on your neck. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Start walking as you normally would - no hurry to get nowhere - and notice how your body feels when walking. Notice your arms, legs, feet, ankles, face. Is your body feeling relaxed or tense? If you feel the tension, breathe and relax. Focus on your feet while moving on foot - the heels of the feet, toes, toes - how your feet feel for you.

Remember how you feel your feet when walking barefoot. Remember how it feels to walk barefoot on wet grass? Take your awareness of your hips, legs, knees, legs, joints and muscles - one at a time, no hurry. As toddlers, bring your awareness to the rhythm of your walk, your spine and abdomen. Notice your shoulders, and posture, the shape of her head and balances on the neck and chin position - is the progress? Keep your chin in a relaxed position. Bring your awareness of how it feels to walk in this way conscious. Watch your thoughts - that are jumping from one to the other or is your mind focused and calm? Note that your mood and comfort level you feel, or feel.

now brings this time of meditation to a close - stand still for a moment and observe how your body feels - how he may feel different when you started this guided meditation. If you feel calm and focused, remember how it feels, so you can bring calm and focus your daily activities. Stay with this meditation for a moment, then you do not hurry to your next activity. Let you take advantage of your attention guided walking meditation.