to help us understand, perhaps it would help to look first at the alternative of running a network marketing business have to offer.
You've probably heard many times, that eighty five of one hundred small businesses fail within the first five years. But do you realize that concessions, which are known to massively reduce the risk, the statistics do not improve much. Usually, only one third of all franchises make a profit, and further investigation is more expensive ones that fair better, and cheaper are the ones most at risk. But how many people have multiple six seven figure sum invested in the top of the franchise?
In addition, the unattractive evidence, it is not difficult to understand why people shy away from the idea of risking their home and future in the "orthodox" business model.
So how do we solve this puzzle? Over the past ten years, fluctuating employment levels, and unprecedented advances in technology have increased the pressure on those who work to keep their jobs. Many people, even with the higher grade levels, they find themselves moving through five or more jobs in his life. More and more people are driven to seek alternatives, where they can take control of your future, but without the risks associated with the opening of 'traditional' work. For many, network marketing has proved to be a perfect alternative, especially now with the global market on the Internet.
If we compare the characteristics of a typical network marketing business with those of any franchise or an independent small business start up, you can understand running a network marketing business is so welcome for many.
Although there are a few exceptions, raised prices of most network marketing companies is less than $ 1,000. In many countries there is a "cool down" period during which a 90% refund guarantee works for those who change their minds. For paperwork, storage and personnel requirements are non-existent or kept to a minimum, network marketing companies are mostly part-time and home based. If you are connected to a global company, then there is no limit on the other hand, making your true earning potential is unlimited. Although useful, previous experience not necessary as training and support are usually provided free of charge.
I'm sure most people agree that the above-mentioned features will be the profit from the perfect company, and very different to any "orthodox" business. But most would not believe that such a possibility exists. It does. This is a typical network marketing business opportunity.