Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Freedom From Negative Memories

Anxiety, depression, stress, self pity, remorse and many other unhealthy feelings are the result of negative memories that we hold. Time and again, they keep in our mind again and rush to any of the above-mentioned negative feelings get into as a result.

Everyone makes mistakes, and if you understand the UN and not the fact that they actually did do a mistake, it's good enough for their present and future. However, the fact that these negative memories to keep in mind again and leave the back of disturbing emotions should be dealt with in due time, before it destroys the confidence and trust yourself over for good.

Everyone makes mistakes, and if you understand the UN and not the fact that they actually did do a mistake, it's good enough for their present and future. However, the fact that these negative memories to keep in mind again and leave the back of disturbing emotions should be dealt with in due time, before it destroys the confidence and trust yourself over for good.


the best person that can cure the negative memories, your 'self'. inner consciousness and the unconscious mind exists in all of us. If we are able to connect with our inner self, you do not need any external consultation, as well as our internal call is always there, but we seldom give importance to listen and act on what he says is right.

Maintenance log. When you write things down, events and happenings, it usually clears out a lot of fog as to why certain things happened. Once you understand thecourse of of events ,you will be able to figure out the pattern or reason that caused to act in a way that created those negative memories . We do not really mean to be bad or wrong things from time to time, to the consequences of the situation that puts us in that position. Furthermore, what's done is done, you can not be undone. The only thing that helps is to identify the cause of action, and make sure that the way to eradicate it from our lives has been adopted.

Yoga and other meditation can also be done in order to exercise brain and get some negative memories. For example, giving yourself space from daily routines and the people around you, you can really relax your mind and give him time to undo any unhealthy nodes that came about because of negative experiences. Close your eyes and imagine that you're rubbing off to error and writing credits to make sure not to repeat. Or you're on a cliff and throwing his bag full of negative memories and breathe the fresh air and oxygen, which helps to heal your mind up.

Many of these visualization exercises help tremendously in getting over these negative memories and giving space for your mind to new construction and focusing on the things that life has given you now. Exit from the past and believing that you are worthy of getting a better life and brave enough not to repeat mistakes of the past opens up new chapters and a better chance to experience life.