Monday, May 9, 2011

Depression Treatment - 101 Ways to Beat Depression Naturally


Below are 101 ways to beat depression at home without a prescription.

1) Find hope. Understand that today can be a bad day, but tomorrow will be the same. Whenever feelings of depression and guess, to find something you can look forward to. Start concentrating on what you like.

2) Eat an apple everyday. They contain phosphorus, vitamin B and potassium to build nerve cells and help keep depression at bay.

3) Practice positive self-talk. We talk about the goodness in your and the people around you. Enjoy every day to say that you will enjoy life no matter what.

4) Believe in God. No matter what religion you follow, to try to understand the significance of the principle and derive happiness from his teachings. Get inspired beliefs.

5) Make new friends. Start conversations with people you like and form new friendships. Talk to them regularly and try to be a good friend.

6) being around people. Try not to be alone. Chat, share jokes and laugh with friends or family. Create a comfortable home environment is in. It is true that "idle mind is the devil's workshop". So try not to give any chance for it.

7) Join the Social Club, take classes, meet someone for lunch or just chat with the neighbors first. Simple everyday conversation can take care of a lot of mental accident.

8) Find a hobby. Collecting stamps, reading and listening to music are some of the common people enjoy hobbies. Find out what you like and spend several hours every day working.

9) Do what makes you laugh. Watching a funny sitcom on television, reading daily newspapers or watching a funny cartoon movie on DVD, do things that you regularly laugh.

10) make new friends. Find people on the street who seem to have a good time. Get the spirit of them, and pumps fresh energy when ever you meet people like that.

11) Listen Music.If you listen to music, Chuck melancholy ones and listen to music that makes you feel happy. Music can really lift your mood. This can touch the soul and give an immediate remedy for most problems.

12) volunteer to help somewhere. You can opt for the storage center that feeds the poor or abused women shelter. You will feel peace within yourself that you have never known.
13) go for a walk. Walking is the best thing to do when you are depressed, because it does not require a lot of motivation and healthy as well. Stop thinking about his past, and walking. Try to enjoy the nature and motive myself to be a great leader.

14) Make exercise part of your daily routine. Exercising releases endorphins in the body and helps you feel positive. It will make you feel happier. Choose exercises you are comfortable doing it all.

14) Make exercise part of your daily routine. Exercising releases endorphins in the body and helps you feel positive. It will make you feel happier. Choose exercises you are comfortable doing it all.


16) Spend time with nature everyday. Gardening, walking or just sitting and breathing in the fresh air early in the morning will make you feel grateful to God for having created you. This will definitely improve your mood.

17) Spend time with them. Meditate, pray or just think about the positive qualities you have and people who love you. But do not forget that too much solitude can make you more depressed.

18) A lot of people feel depressed because they feel they are guilty of something. Face your demons. Ask for forgiveness from the person concerned, and then put the whole episode behind you. Do not delay problem everyday and brood about it.

19) Let grudges. If you think someone has done something wrong, forgive him. It is important to make peace with himself. For example, divorced people often hold grudges against his former spouse and feel anger and depression. It is important to let go.

20) Open yourself to love. Embrace love, family and friends and try to reciprocate. Basking in the warmth of love is the best way to reduce depression. Sharing of thoughts and true love will change the face of problems. You can get so much shoulder shared responsibility and all off a sudden, all your problems can be solved.

21) Count your blessings. Instead of thinking about negative things in your life, spend time thinking about everyday set. It could be anything. great job, your best friend, your beloved family or even your beautiful skin

22) Reduce stress. Find areas in your life that you most stressed and think about how to improve them. Eliminating stress will give you greater control over their lives.

23) Do not procrastinate. When you keep it until tomorrow work that can be done today, you are spending time thinking about ways you can avoid the work instead of doing the job. Do not waste time and energy into doing something so useless. Try to make the best use of your time.

24) Eat fats that are good for the body. Eat foods such as fish, pork, beef and milk because these contain omega-3 and omega-6 to help in the creation of new brain cells. Healthy food habits will keep away the ugly thoughts and make you fresh.

25) Eat granola, sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables, whole fruit, stone ground bread, potatoes with skin and popcorn. They provide the necessary carbohydrates in the body.

26) Eat a balanced diet. Have a little protein at night and instead are complex carbohydrates. They help produce serotonin.

27) After the fruit before going to bed is a very good idea. The fruit will help you sleep and keep your depression at bay. On the other hand, it will provide all the essential nutrients and keep you healthy.

28) to take vitamin B-6 supplements everyday. This will increase the level of serotonin in the body. If you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before you start.

29) Eat your meals at about the same time each day. This is important as your body will be starved of energy at any point of time.

30) Do not skip meals. When you skip a meal in a state of depression, your body can not produce energy. It will make you feel down. Skipping meals is something that simply can not afford toto do it .

31) Chinese medical research suggests that acupuncture can help balance the positive and negative energy in the body. You can try it as it is known treatment for depression.

32) Try not to be preoccupied in their daily lives. Daily May you feel that you are constantly struggling with certain situations and people. Have made ​​a lifestyle and try to balance all of your feelings.

33) Do not while away time doing nothing. If you are a student, make notes, or study or go out. If you are a housewife, you can find a job or start small businesses. Being busy does not allow you time to think of any depressing thoughts.

34) to be social. Going out with friends for shopping or coffee. Meeting people and talking about mundane things will announce the happy-hormones and make you feel good. Try to spread happiness like wildfire. You will never be depressed.

35) Get a massage done. It is a mood lifter and helps to relieve symptoms of depression. anticipation of massage is almost as good as the massage itself. Massage should be given by a qualified person in order to relieve all the stress.

36) Eat dark chocolate. Eating a small square of chocolate every day will make you fat. It has anti-oxidants that help your mood. Anti-oxidants will help you to keep fresh all day and never have the feeling that they are tired or depressed.

36) Eat dark chocolate. Eating a small square of chocolate every day will make you fat. It has anti-oxidants that help your mood. Anti-oxidants will help you to keep fresh all day and never have the feeling that they are tired or depressed.


38) Even if you are eating well, you might not be getting all the essential nutrients that your body requires. Consult your doctor and have a multivitamin everyday. Health supplements are important and play a vital role to eliminate stress.

39) swimming. It's great exercise and gives your body the natural adrenaline. You'll be happy and refreshed after a half hour spent in the pool. Time spent at the pool will be pumped in fresh energy.

40) Do not spend all day in cold grumpy office or house. Get some sun for at least 15 minutes. This is a wonderful natural mood lifter. Begin to enjoy the beauty of nature outside.

41) If you live in an area where there is little sunshine, buy yourself a light box and look at it every day for 15-20 minutes. This is a great way to relieve depression.

42) It is important to get enough sleep. Although it varies from person to person, 8 hours of sleep a night is enough for most people. Make sure you have a regular routine and bedtime. If you frequently change, the body system will get confused and maybe a person sleepy all day.

43) napping in the afternoon for 30 minutes does not make you lazy. This can actually your energy and make you ready to spend the day productively. However, make sureyou do not to become addicted to .

44) Do not hide from the world. Make friends. The Internet is a wonderful place for making new friends. Find online friends with whom you can share your thoughts, dreams and passions.

45) Break your goals into smaller achievable parts. It will be easier to achieve them and to feel confident. Pat yourself when you are ever to achieve short-term goal. You are the best motivator for themselves and take pride in all your activities.

46) This is important. Do not blame yourself or anyone else for their depression. You have it in you to overcome them.

47) Do not decide on important matters in your life such as divorce, marriage and career before you get out of depressive states.

48) Accept the love and support your friends and family that you offer. Be grateful for it. Reciprocate in the same way. sense of helping others and see the smile on your face is an excellent way to stem from depression.

49) does not hide his state of depression. Let the people around you know you are depressed. Get help from professionals.

50) Take steps every day to build confidence and self esteem. confident person can overcome all odds. This will give you the strength to win the odd situations.

51) Always keep in mind that there is someone who is less fortunate than you. You're a lucky man. Do you have a full 10 fingers with which you can conquer the world.

52) I find happiness in small things like a great book, my favorite TV show or just the fact that your mother made ​​her favorite baked baking today.

53) Eat cashew nuts daily as riboflavin and vitamin B content is good for you.

54) Another possibility is that vitamin B supplements.

55) When depression hits you, get up and get active. Do not while away their time in bed thinking. Do not let depression depress your mind state. To go with your daily routines despite the difficulties.

56) When you feel one of your mood coming, try to shift your attention to other people's problems. Try to find solutions instead of worrying.

57) Treat yourself to a bubble bath or buying expensive books that you are eyeing to get the happy hormones flowing.

58) Understand that this is what depresses you. Stop doing it. How to reach the core of the problem is important.

59) Try to have a nice relationship with your partner. Squabbles, quarrels and arguments are no-no's. You can once in a while. If it lasts a long time, trying to find a very long-term solution.

60) smile at yourself in the mirror everyday. It will make you want to do all day. Begin developing a sense of feeling that you are beautiful and handsome man in this world. This will increase your level of confidence.

61) smile at the people around you. On the way, in the office or in departmental store, smile! gentle smile would pave the way for a nice relationship.

62) If you have a disease like high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney or liver problems get them treated as soon as possible. Make sure you have the proper medication and not feeling the pinch of the disease.

63) Make a plan for your everyday life. Follow it religiously. Stick to your rules. Act accordingly. This will give you a disciplined life and will make you fit.

64) Laugh every day. Join laughter club or just laugh at seeing yourself in the mirror. It has become a rare commodity. However, not a chance. Share a good joke with your friends and family members.

65) Do not live in denial. Accept that you are depressed and take steps to treat it. state of being rejected is very painful. So, find an immediate answer and try to analyze the causes for it.

66) Know your limitations and liabilities. This will help you look at life with a practical eye. practical approach to all problems would be found much awaited key. Do not be unusual as finding a solution. Be calm.

67) Stop worrying about things that are not in your control. Do as much as you can and then let go. Accept fate process. But do not be idle and silent observer.

68) Patience is a virtue that you need to develop. You will not just snap out of depression one day it will take time and effort, but it will certainly go. Are these in your mind. It can not be any problems that are permanent in life.

69) I always take one step at a time. Everyday try to do something a little more to get rid of depression. Learn ways and things that will cheer you up. So, keep these types of activities.

70) practice a healthy lifestyle. Sleep, eat a balanced diet and get adequate exercise to stay happy. life with the perfect combination of all these activities will give you more.

71) Avoid drinking alcohol. It will make you more depressed. Do not try burying sorrows in alcohol. Drinking alcohol is not good for health. This means that problems are calling on your own. There might be too much of health complications because of this problem.

72) If you are a smoker, stop. Nicotine can make you feel good as long as you have a cigarette in his hand, but it is actually bad for your mood in the long run. This will get you addicted to this habit.

73) Popping pills to treat everyday illnesses without which it is prescribed by a doctor that will ultimately make you feel down. Stop this habit. This will lead to further complications. Do not encourage self-healing.

74) Take some carrots and spinach and place in blender. Drink juice everyday. Prefer fresh juices instead of junk food items. You will get tons of energy and it will do good for health.

75) Bananas contain serotonin, norepinephrine and potassium. They have two ripe bananas every day. You can stay healthy for a lifetime.

76) Avoid too much coffee. If you can not without it, is limited to a few cups everyday. The main ingredient will make you an addict is not good.

77) Drinking ginger tea daily improves blood circulation and oxygen to the body and keeps you feeling good. After a proper supply of oxygen is very important for health. It will fit the personality that will make you a fresh round the clock.

78) Do sage tea with honey. It will sharpen your brain power, and alleviate symptoms of depression.

79) Drinking mint tea will relax your system and improve your mood. Have it everyday. happy mood will find a solution to any problems.

80) Do not have a sugar with your tea. You can have honey or jaggery instead.

81) Have an apple with milk and honey every alternate day. On May not sound very appetizing, but the combination will improve your mood.

82) When shopping for groceries, load up on citrus fruits and vegetables. They help in lifting mood. They will raise your spirits.

83) Try yoga. A lot of people around the world are caught on the usefulness of yoga in treating depression. This will improve your concentration level and will also help you remain calm at times of problems. calm mind is very important to analyze the causes of the problem.

84) If it is something in the earlier part of your life that you are depressed, try to put everything behind you. Do not forget, tomorrow is another day. Make your day as best as you will never get a chance to better yesterday.

85) Boil a cup of water and put fresh rose petals in it. Ga drink after straining petals. This is a nice way to enjoy the beauty of life.

86) A lot of people who have found relief from depression drinking 2-3 cups of licorice tea everyday. Take the help of herbs such as this and get rid of depression.

87) Dry roots of asparagus, if eaten on a daily basis after he crushed and mixed with honey is known to help depression.

88) Have a good breakfast. All kinds of food, that is, proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be part of your daily breakfast.

89) have a glass of orange juice in the early morning hours. Vitamin C boost will be good for you.

90) Soak 5-10 almonds in water at night and eat them first thing in the morning everyday. This will make your light body and will keep you away from all worries. You would never think about problems and instead will be resolved easily.

91) If the fatigue and sleepiness is what I feel, even after waking up after 8 hours of sleep, you must make an effort to get out of the cycle. Remember, the moment when you decide that you will give in, depression wins you over.

92) Do not indulge in self-pity. It's a cycle that must end the moment it begins. Do not be in this bad habit. You will never be able to get out of this problem and it could ruin your character too.

93) If you are depressed about her relationship with someone, can be your spouse, parent or friend, talking to people about it. You need to be addressed. Do not brood over it. caused a delicate conversation to resolve all disputes. Remember that communication is the shortest distance between two people.

94) to keep a diary. Vent all their frustration, anger and moments of happiness in it. Keep a record of how you feel each day. This will help you plan the next day better.

95) Research has shown that watching too much television can actually make you feel more depressed. You'll be better off doing something productive. These television programs will make you think about them, not about their problems. Do not waste much time. On the other hand, do not miss the fun too.

96) Painting, modeling clay, sewing and knitting to make you feel at peace with himself. Do you like to go somewhere everyday for any of these everyday. People who have an interest in this type of activity can follow this. This will give the good ones of hope and satisfaction.

97) Reading a good book is a great mood enhancer. But when choosing books, make sure you choose a dark depressing and sad book. Comics are something that will always help.

98) consult your doctor and ask him to recommend a good calcium and magnesium supplement that you take every day.

99) Cooking is something that will make you happy whether you are male or female. Cook with love, and include your partner get creative with your cooking. It will make you much happier.

100) Drinking green tea is another home remedy that works to treat depression. Green tea contains natural antioxidants that will help you cope with stress better.

101) It's a good idea to look for professional advice. Depression is a disease that is completely curable. therapist or counselor can lead you to complete the road to recovery.

a large percentage of people worldwide suffer from depression, and the number is growing daily. One thing about depression is worse not to take any steps to treat it. If you are depressed, follow the advice given here. Depression if left untreated could even lead to self-harm and suicide. Do not wait before it's too late. A lot of people will be cured by following the tips, but some may need professional help. If you deal with depression with courage and confidence, nothing can stop you from winning battles. Have a wonderful life ahead of you without depression.