Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Leadership Development - The Art of Non-Achievement

You work in a company of the company or the law that governments are recognizing the value of the daily practice of meditation? The leadership of your company or firm to remain calm and focused face new challenges and uncertainties?

One of the most powerful, we can ask is "Does our culture to think leaders to better manage stress?" Intelligence officials think emotionally and socially intelligent often to remain calm under pressure and make better decisions.

The art of not achieving

mindfulness meditation practice with the non-application in mind. benefits of meditation are affected by the "leadership muscle" exercise you are still invisible. You can then exercise the muscles in the workplace and all aspects of your life to make a lasting contribution to their world.

Ten management skills developed in meditation is aware of the book by Michael Carroll Leader: awaken your natural ability to manage Mindfulness Meditation (2008):

Simplicity - Enthusiasm

Trust - Patience

Respect - Awareness

Courage - report

Confidence - Humility

These skills improve with practice and can be applied to natural ease and familiarity. Leading others is not a trivial task, which requires a prompt, brave, down to earth, a recognition of reality. Unfortunately, many managers comply with delusions of control and prefer the status quo, do not want to deal with the risk of unpleasant or scary.

By reducing speed, have a realistic idea of ​​what is happening rather than speed up the whole day, or worse, speeding through your life. Meditation and attention are the invitations to become more fully human. Address every day, give the power to make a real impact on your organization.

Working with a seasoned executive coach trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating leadership assessments such as Bar-On EQ-i and CPI 260 can help you become a leader who likes to practice meditation on a regular basis. You can become a leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and inspire people to become happily engaged and consistent with the vision and mission of your company or law firm.