Sunday, April 3, 2011

Integrating Hypnosis and NLP

Increased publicity and acceptance of mindfulness meditation in the public and medical assistance. To me, this is a great step forward. As I will explain in more detail in this article, see the combined treatment with hypnotic NLP skills and attention as an evolution of empowerment that will take us past many of the limitations of conventional medical treatment medication and psychotherapy based on the story.

First mindfulness meditation does not depend on the particular philosophy or theology. Although inspired by Buddhist meditation, which is a convenient way to calm the spirit that helps us become more aware of the "now." The practice itself is very simple, focusing on the breath that leads to awareness of body and mind.

Detached to promote the adoption, without a court order, but also kindness and a general increase in personal awareness. This works great when we're in a hypnotherapy relatively stable and responsive, but sometimes the psychological challenges of the people are so pervasive that the compression or the professionalism and NLP offers a way to remove the country, so to speak. In a hypnotherapy and NLP are very goal that we needed to stop from time to time.

Awareness is not a central objective, which is still something we have from time to time. For example, a person can be a very negative terms, or GDP, the life of meta-programming. They may be too pessimistic, which should be returned, and prevents them from believing they can change and enjoy life more. Improving the quality NLP and receptive state of hypnosis you can create, can begin to develop a more optimistic meta-program.

Having begun to turn the page in a timely manner, which could be presented to mindfulness meditation, so they can see and be more aware of their thinking. Using strategies of NLP and hypnosis can begin to exchange them for beneficial models. Beliefs are generated by the accumulation of thoughts that unite to form a belief. You can begin to unite the useful and productive thoughts that create better structures of faith. As the saying goes "neurons that fire together stay together." You can create a treatment protocol with a structure that uses the techniques of hypnosis, NLP care, and other modern techniques I teach.

In addition, attention can calm the mind busy and make us more aware of how our thoughts and our minds actually work. By exploiting the skills above, we educate, the ability to make the changes we want and so increase the happiness quotient, I think everyone benefits.